It has been a long time since I've been back to Kruger SS, one of my most favourite schools of all time! It was very encouraging to see the students of 4G embracing the creative activities I had on offer.
The morning started with some superb haiku generated indeed:
the rainforest
is very cool
with the water sound
by Isabella
the winter water
like roses

by Ashley
high mountains
with moonlight
shining above
by Caezyn
feeding ducks
on bridge
very peaceful
by Nicola
night summer breeze
having a good time
with family
by Kristen
Followed by a lesson on 'Rhyming Couplet Poems', similar to the tradition of humour and rhyming scheme Spike Milligan has adopted in his poem, "I Met A Greek"; click here to read Milligan's poem: Students were given the task of selecting ten of their friend's or peoples names to write a rhyming couplet poem about, the student who wrote a very entertaining and engaging poem was Leilani. Leilani gets to have the recognition she deserves on this blog, and also, a copy of the book of poems, "Taking Flight", of which one of my poems was published in, as an encouragement and reward. Here it is:
I met Ashleigh,
who played rugby league.
I met Mrs. Madsen,
who was kinda handsome.
I met Trazel,
who rang the bell.
I met Joanna,
who is a goanna.
I met Grace,
who liked to race.
I met Mr. Pham,
who rode a van.
I met Wendy,
who looked so bendy.
I met Izebella,
who must have been cinderella.
And I met Amy,
who was very veiny.
by Leilani.
Well done Leilani, a very entertaining and humourous poem you have created indeed. And congratulations to the students who wrote some excellent examples of haiku! Keep writing to inspire!
Mr. Pham :)
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