I've recently been having these vivid dreams; I'd wake up at times during the night: 2am, 4am on a consistent basis during the weekdays. Last night I had such a luminous and vivid dream of stars/meteor showers. I wrote a haiku in my head about it afterwards:
meteor shower
one wish
follows another
I also remember seeing a shooting star at Christmas Eve last year, it was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Here's another haiku:

Christmas Eve
a shooting star points
the way home
..i can't remember if i ever seen a real shooting star but i'd like to... your haikus are delicate... simple & unpretentious... loved it... smiles...
Gorgeous... I especially like the first one.
I've never seen a shooting star, but I like the idea of it pointing the way home.
Dropping by from Verse First
Suzy http://ilasoulpoems.blogspot.co.nz/2013/05/freedom.html
The shooting star was a beautiful sight Kelvin, I thought it was some sort of plane at first, but then it was moving really fast, and before I knew it, it twinkled off behind the horizon. I think there's scheduled meteor showers over the years, but I do recommend it! I'm glad you enjoyed the haiku! That definitely makes capturing those moments worth it!
Thanks Laurie, I oughta dream more vivid dreams! :)
It was a beautiful memory, Suzy :) Thanks so much for sending me your blog, I've read some poems on there, and have been very impressed! I'm following your blog now.
Welcome at Carpe Diem Vuong Pham, I am glad that you have found your way to this daily haiku meme and I am looking forward to your haiku. I am your host on Carpe Diem. My name is Kristjaan Panneman and I am a Dutch haiku poet. I write under pseudonym and that pseudonym is Chèvrefeuille which means Honeysuckle.
I hope to see you here again. I like by the way your two haiku in this post, very nice. You're so welcome to share your haiku here with our Carpe Diem haiku community.
It is wonderful, isn't it, when dreams evoke poetry! Beautifully penned.
I like Meteor Shower. We never have one wish. We have many of them, that need to be answered.
I am glad to have found Carpe Diem, it's great to know there are active haiku blogs happening. Really nice to meet you! I'll drop by Carpe Diem to post some haiku soon.
It is indeed a beautiful thing when dreams inspire poetry; I was lucky enough to have remembered this one as I was passing in and out sleep :)
Totally true Sandi :) Love that comment!
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