Monday, July 22, 2013

"What Lies between Earth and Sky: Why we must question the reason why we try" -- a poem by Bulukani Mlalazi

Here at Verses Of The Inner Self, we're all about encouraging each other and blessing each other through faith. I was incredibly pleased and uplifted to know Bulu, my mate from church, had been in the process of writing his own poetry inspired by God as he was walking across a bridge one day. "The inspiration of words just came to me in an instant, and then I started to edit the poem in bits and pieces". Bulu said. "Yeah", I nodded, "That's how a lot of poetry is written mate, they can be precious things, and they need careful crafting". I think it's just amazing how God can drop flashes of inspiration into your head in unexpected ways. I think the essence of this poem is really genuine and uplifting, and I have no doubt that people can learn a lot from these wise words Bulu has crafted in his poem, "What Lies between Earth and Sky: Why we must question the reasons why we try". In a world full of distractions, one can get caught into the business of society, work commitments, all these worldly things that we oft depend; yet, they are exactly that, a distraction from God's eternal love. We must not forget that we are citizens of heaven, not to get caught into the sins of the world, that we may seek 'those precious gifts from above' that fills our lives with true joy.

I recently had been going through an experience like this, that Bulu had captured in the poem below. Over the last month, or two, I had been so focused on getting my second book done, I had lost the unending love and grace that God had on offer to me. That month was spent entirely writing and not socialising with God's people, though the manuscript was completed in time, I had really missed companionship and had gone through a stage of spiritual dryness. Safe to say, I feel as though I have become a lot closer to God's presence over the last few weeks, as I have enjoyed the company of many of God's children whether it be in camps, chatting with friends over coffee, at church, etc. I'm ready to feel your awesome and eternal love again God :)

Thank you for your wise words Bulu, I truly feel blessed to have read this piece, and I'm sure many others will appreciate it too!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever" Psalms 107:1


Brian Miller said...

i hear you...sometimes we can get so focused on one thing that we forget others...and the importance of living in community---for me it is in community i oft find my inspiration...pretty cool on your friend writing poetry now too...i enjoyed his verse...

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Beautiful words from both of you. I LOVE "what lies between the earth and sky" and spend much time contemplating that very thing.

Vuong Pham said...

I totally agree Brian, we need that sense of community and love to thrive in anything we do :) Thanks for the comment, Bulu would be super happy to hear he has been an encouragement to others!

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